Donating to Art in Bartow
The funding for Art in Bartow comes from the community and is raised throughout the year. Art in Bartow has more than 40 public art installations in Bartow County thanks to your generosity! Your donations not only support the cost of each installation, but each donation proves that this community values the arts for ourselves, our families, and our visitors.
Tax deductible donations* can be made at any time to the general fund or to a specific project.
The general fund pays for basic business expenses. Things like web hosting, small batch printing, memberships to the Cartersville-Bartow Chamber of Commerce, Northwest Georgia Travel Association and other worthy organizations, tools like Canva and Evite, and small events like our annual Teacher's Luncheon and opening receptions for the Gallery Below the Bridge.
These are the projects currently open for funding:
Best Friends Sculpture
If you have questions about funding a project through Art in Bartow, we would be happy to connect! Get in touch so we can start working together.
*Art in Bartow does not receive tax dollars from the citizens of Bartow County. Each donation to Art in Bartow goes through the Bartow County Government office to be earmarked for projects. As the public art commission, Art in Bartow is not a 501(c)3, rather a government entity. Charitable contributions to governmental units are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code if made for a public purpose.